Wednesday, March 3, 2010

The Garden is Back in Bloom... Soundgarden Reunites

On January 1, 2010 Chris Cornell tweeted that his former band Soundgarden would be reuniting. Time to dust off my old flannel shirts and Doc Martens. Seriously though, this is a good thing, right. These guys rock so hard it'll make you need to have your spine adjusted. 

The first time I heard of Soundgarden was my freshman year in college, and I still had a vagina. This dude at the end of the hall had a poster for Louder Than Love on his wall and it kind of scarred me. I was into whinny frat boy music, and I just prayed that the mean boy at the end of the hall didn't play his Soundgarden music too loud.

Within a year grunge had become mainstream, and I had consumed my glass of Kool Aid. It was good. I quickly snatched up copies of Nevermind, Ten, and Bad Motorfinger, and was on my way to becoming a bad motherfucker.

The band released a handfull of albums, with each one becoming more and more mainstream and accessible eventually going so far as to land in the cassette player of then girlfriend now wife's Jetta.

Their music is always packed with testosterone and other anger inducing ingredients, and any time I need to break shit I play one of their albums. Johnny Cash (the original bad motherfucker) covered "Rusty Cage", other songs were features in mainstream media, but songs like "Nothing to Say" and "Outshined" are for me their quintessential songs.

Let's hope the second time around can reproduce some of their original kick-assness!!

What band would you like to see reunite?

This song makes me want to kick someone in the nuts...


My Interior Life March 3, 2010 at 2:45 PM  

Well, that's good news. Chris Cornell is hot! I actually heard Black Hole Sun on the radio this afternoon and wondered what they were up to. Thanks for answering my question.

Also, thanks for linking to my blog. BTW, you cuss like a sailor. I'm blushing.

Matt March 3, 2010 at 6:58 PM  

so do you like chris cornell with the long hair or with short. he was badder with long. just sayin...

MFAMB March 5, 2010 at 4:00 PM  

dude...i have met C.C. on several occasions as well as seen them perform on several occasions...the same occasions actually. i was big into the grunge thing back in the day.