Sunday, March 14, 2010

Definitely Not Seeing Evil ... Taschen Books

Ok, I admit that this post is a bit off topic, and it certainly demonstrates a bit of metro-sexual prowess, but I just had to share this.

Taschen books. This is some awesome shit. For real. They have something for everyone, and they are European so they must be cool.

I stumbled on some of these book in the photography section of Borders. I pulled aside a few books that I wanted to take a closer look at, and what do you know, they were almost all by the same publisher.

Taschen started off as Taschen Comics in 1980 in Cologne, Germany by Benedikt Taschen. Initially the company published Taschen's extensive comic collection (ok?), but branched out to become an art book publisher know for providing exposure for lesser known artists.

The mission statement of the company is "to publish innovative, beautifully designed art books at popular prices." Hmmm, not really sure if their definition of "popular prices" is the same as mine; their books range in price from a few dollars to tens of thousands!! They actually have the distinction of publishing the second most expensive book ever.

Their topics have a decidedly retro feel to them and are quite varied including art, architecture, travel, design, photography, comics, advertising, and more controversial topics like historical erotica, fetish imagery, and good old fashioned pornography. I like naked people. He he.

But it's all in the name of art, so it's ok if you have this book about boobs here above sitting out on your coffee table. Or maybe if breasts aren't your thing, then perhaps a cool book on hotels would be nice.
... or maybe you need to spruce up your home with a little design inspiration (my wife would be proud of me for pointing this one out)

I love photography, so I think these would be cool.....

You can check out their website here. 

So f books with lots of words just aren't your thing, you should buy some books by Taschen. The pretty pictures therein are top notch, and as I have said before ... you will be cooler.

Here's a few more:


MFAMB March 14, 2010 at 1:35 PM  

the taschen people have LOADS of my money.

My Interior Life March 14, 2010 at 1:47 PM  

Very cool. I'm sure the Big Book of Breasts is already on your wish list. Did you not buy any of these? Maybe next trip to Borders. Or maybe just Amazon.

Matt March 14, 2010 at 1:55 PM  

Yeah, I didn't exactly feel comfortable walking out with "the Book of Big Breasts" er "The Big Book of Breasts". I'll have to acquire these on hte down-low...